WilderLand Software
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Its not just a game, its a world
Customer Testimonials
  "The WilderLand has proved to be an incredible draw for our online service, nearly doubling subscriptions in just a few months! This is exactly. what we needed to set ourselves apart from the competition."

Gareth Trinko
System Administrator
Galaxy Online


We have a passion for what we do – and we believe you will see this in our products, our service and our team.

Innovation and creativity lie at our heart. We constantly challenge convention through fresh thinking and are continually first with new ideas and products that seize the initiative and break new ground.

WilderLand Software was founded and continues to operate on the premise that good ideas properly implemented are the keys to success. And those ideas can come from anywhere and from anyone. We reject the typical hierarchical model of many modern businesses, in which managers lead and everyone else follows.